As a Direct Support Organization (DSO) to the Florida Department of Health the PDMP Foundation has two major goals. The first is to raise funds for the operation of E-FORCSE, the state of Florida’s PDMP database. The second is to educate licensed health care providers and law enforcement officials about the database and how to utilize it in the management of controlled substances in patient care and for active criminal investigations.

EFORCSE INFO-GRAPHIC (click to enlarge – download as PDF)
The yearly cost to operate the PDMP Foundation and the database is approximately $600,000. Funding is solicited from corporations, individuals and law enforcement agencies. By law, the foundation is not permitted to seek funding from any corporation representing the pharmaceutical industry.
To reach its goals the foundation markets its mission to health care practitioners and law enforcement agencies at state and regional conferences and at regulatory board meetings. It provides informational brochures, articles in professional journals and press releases. In addition, as a DSO under a state government agency, it operates under the Florida Sunshine Law. All of the foundation’s board of directors meetings are noticed to the public and its financial records are open under Florida’s public records law.